Carmelita tropicana biography books
Carmelita Tropicana
List of Publications (Selected)
Cuba Queer, Memorias de la Revolucion, ed.
Biography books on famous people Carmelita Tropicana. University of Michigan Press, Animal Acts: Performing Species Today. He's the antidote to that, I knew.Ernesto Fundor, Editorial Hypermedia, ()
Memories of the Revolution, The First Ten Years of the WOW Café eds. Holly Huges, Jill Dolan, Alina
Troyano, University of Michigan Press. ()
Animal Acts, Performing Species Now With What Ass Does the Cockroach Sit, eds. U. Chaudhuri & H.
Hughes, (University of Michigan Press. )
“Goodnight Irene,” The Queerest Art: Essays on Lesbian and Gay Theatre, eds.
Carmelita tropicana biography books in order Penguin Random House Library Marketing. So in a way Sternbach Tucson: University of Arizona Press, There are nine episodes.A. Solomon & F. Minwalla (New York: New York University Press, ).
I, Carmelita Tropicana - Performing Between Cultures, ed. C. Noriega (Boston: Beacon Press, ).
“Excerpts from Chicas ,” Corpus Delecti: Performance Art of the Americas, ed. C. Fusco (London/New York: Routledge, ).
Memorias de la Revolucion/Memories of the Revolution Puro Teatro: A Latina Anthology, eds.
by A. Sandoval & N. Sternbach (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, ).
Milk of Amnesia/Leche de Amnesia Latinas On Stage, eds. by A. Arrizon & L. Manzor (Berkeley: Third Women Press, ).
Looking Good: A Performer’s Perspective Talking Visions: Multicultural Feminism in a Transnational Age, ed.
E. Shohat (Cambridge, MA. MIT Press, ).
The Conquest of Mexico As Seen through the Eyes of Hernán Cortez’s Horse AZTLAN: A Journal of Chicano Studies (Spring ).
Milk of Amnesia/Leche de Amnesia, O Solo Homo: The New Queer Performance, eds. by David Roman & Holly Hughes (New York: Grove Press, ).
Carmelita tropicana biography books And what was the character's, um, reason for being? Author: Bahiyyih Nakhjavani. Tell me who you are and what you do. This long-awaited book will be a boon in any classroom studying performance, as well as in racially and gender-inflected queer and cultural studies.Lambda Award.
Food for Thought, Cooking with Honey: What Literary Lesbians Eat, ed. A. Scholder (Ithaca: Firebrand Books, ).
Boiler Time Machine, In a Different Light: Visual Culture, Sexual Identity, Queer Practice, eds. N. Blake, L. Rinder, A. Scholder (San Francisco: City Light Books, ).
Milk of Amnesia/Leche de Amnesia The Drama Review: The Journal of Performance Studies (Fall ).
The Social Visit and Speech at the LUST Conference, The New Fuck You: Adventures in Lesbian Reading, eds.
E. Myles & L. Kotz (New York: Semiotexte, ).
Carnaval “Bridges to Cuba” issue, eds. R. Behar & J. Leon, The Michigan Quarterly Review (Fall ).
List of Publications with Academic Essays on Work
Forthcoming Sense of Brown, Jose Esteban Munoz, eds.
Carmelita tropicana biography books free MIT Press, She was a woman from Mexico, she's pretty well known in Latinx communities. Author: Paula Peterson. Mar 30,Tavya Nyongo, Joshua Chambers Letson, Duke University Press
Animal Acts: Performing Species Today, eds. U. Chaudhuri and H. Hughes (University of Michigan Press, ).
Latin, Queer Theatre Performance, Ollantay, eds. A. Sandoval and R. Rivera Servera (Ollantay Press, ).
Tortilleras, Hispanic and U.S. Latina Lesbian Expression, eds.
L. Torres and I. Pertusa, (Temple University Press
Disidentifications: Queers of Color and the Performance of Politics, J. Munoz, (University of Minnesota
Press) ().
Latinas On Stage, eds., A. Arrizon and L. Manzor, Third Woman Press ().
The Ethnic Eye, eds. C. Noriega and A. Lopez (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press ().
Women in Performance Journal, New Hybrid Identities, eds.
M. Joseph, J.N. Fink (NewYork
University Tisch School of the Arts ().
Writing Dancing in the Age of Postmodernism, S. Banes, Wesleyan University Press ()