Cerebral de eratosthenes biography

Cerebral de eratosthenes biography Eratosthenes spent most of his career at the world-renowned Library of Alexandria. List of Partners vendors. Use limited data to select content. Another piece of poetry by Eratosthenes, Erigone , is now too fragmentary to fully decipher, but it is possible that it may originally have formed a part of Hermes.


Eratosthenes Biography

Eratosthenes ( BC - BC) was a Greek mathematician, geographer and astronomer with (probably) Chaldean origins.

He was born in Cyrene (now Shahhat, Libya) and he died in Ptolemaic Alexandria.

He is noted for devising a system of latitude and longitude and computing the size of Earth.

Eratosthenes studied at Alexandria and some years in Athens. In BC he was appointed by Ptolemy III Euergetes I as a head and the third librarian of the Alexandrian library. He made several important contributions to mathematics and science.

He was a good friend to Archimedes.

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  • Cerebral de eratosthenes biography summary
  • Eratosphere
  • Circa BC he invented the armillary sphere, which was used till 17th century.

    He calculated the earth's circumference circa BC, using trigonometry and information on the altitude of the Sun at noon in Alexandria and Syene (now Aswan, Egypt). The calculation is based on the assumption that the Sun is so far away that its rays can be taken as parallel.

    Eratosthenes knew that on the summer solstice at local noon in Syene, the Sun would appear at the zenith.

    He also knew that in his hometown of Alexandria, the position of the Sun would be 7° south of the zenith at that time. He knew that this angle was 7/ of a full circle and thus concluded that the distance from Alexandria to Syene must be 7/ of the total circumference of Earth. The actual distance between the cities was known from caravan travellings to be about 5, stadia.

    He established a final value of stadia per degree, which implies a circumference of , stadia. The exact size of the stadion he used is no longer known (the common Attic stadion was about m), but it is generally believed that Eratosthenes' value corresponds to between 39, km and 46, km.

    Eratosthenes Still another piece, Catasterismi , has survived to the present day. The exact size of the stadion he used is no longer known the common Attic stadion was about m , but it is generally believed that Eratosthenes' value corresponds to between 39, km and 46, km. Harm de Blij - Biography of the Famous Geographer. What Is Mackinder's Heartland Theory?

    The actual circumference of the Earth around the poles is 40, km. Eratosthenes' method was used by Posidonius about years later.

    Circa BC Eratosthenes adopted a word geography, which means a description of the Earth.

    Eratosthenes' other contributions include:

    The Sieve of Eratosthenes as a way of finding prime numbers.
    The measurement of the Sun-Earth distance, now called the astronomical unit (,, stadia).

    The measurement of the distance to the Moon (, stadia).

    Cerebral de eratosthenes biography in english He produced two books of mathematics, although these have been lost since ancient times. View two larger pictures. He compiled a star catalogue containing stars, which was not preserved. He lived to be about 80 to 84 years old.

    The measurement of the inclination of the ecliptic with an angle error 7'.
    He compiled a star catalogue containing stars, which was not preserved.
    A map of the Nile's route to Khartoum.
    A map of the entire known world, from the British Isles to Ceylon, and from the Caspian Sea to Ethiopia.

    Cerebral de eratosthenes biography wikipedia Use limited data to select advertising. Measure advertising performance. Eratosthenes was the first person to use the word "geography" and other geographical terms that are still in use today, and his efforts to calculate the circumference of the Earth and the distance from the Earth to the Sun paved the way for our modern understanding of the cosmos. He is said to have deliberately starved himself to death to escape the possibility of having to live his last years in darkness.

    Only Hipparchus, Strabo, and Ptolemy were able to make better maps than this.
    Eratosthenes was known under the name &#;, because he proved himself to be the second in the world in many fields and he was also supposedly known for his haughty character. In BC he became blind and a year later he starved himself to death.

    Named after Eratosthenes
    Eratosthenes crater on the Moon.

    Eratosthenian period in the lunar geologic timescale.

    Eratosthenes Resources